HR Psychometric Testing – Top 5 Uses
Many of our clients work in or closely with their company’s human resources functions. Some of the more challenging aspects of their roles include attracting candidates, making accurate hiring decisions, determining needs and processes for talent growth, and identifying future leaders for the organisation. Precise measurement of employee skills, attributes, and know-how is important within […]
Psychometric Testing – Six Secrets to Success
Successful psychometric testing can mean different things to the test-taker and to the administrator. If you’re completing an ability or aptitude test, the goal may be to achieve results that will pass a cut-off point, or allow progression to the next level in a recruitment campaign. As a test administrator, you may consider testing as […]
Forensic Test User Training – The NEW BPS Qualification Course is Now Available
Forensic Test User Training with Selection by Design Selection by Design is delighted to now offer training for the new BPS qualification of Test User: Forensic Contexts. This qualification was developed by the BPS to provide public recognition of professionalism in psychometric testing and assessment in forensic settings. Applications range widely. Examples include: Assessment of […]
How to Get Results You Can Trust with Psychometric Assessments
Do test scores truly indicate a person’s ability, or accurately reveal their personality? Psychometric assessments are used to make decisions about employees, so it is essential that scores really do indicate a person’s likely behaviour. Accuracy of results is affected by both the test itself and the way in which it is administered and […]
Making the Most of Your Work Teams
Teams are an essential component of today’s workplace. Successful work teams achieve levels of innovation and productivity exceeding those of individual employees. This is possible because of both the pooled knowledge and experiences of team members, and evolving team dynamics that drive problem-solving and performance approaches. But developing a successful team can be a […]
16pf Report Options – Make the Most of Personality Profiles
The 16pf is a renown in-depth measure of personality. It offers evaluation of wide-ranging, broad factors (similar to the Big 5), while also breaking down contributions from more specific, unitary primary factors. This combination covers the full spectrum of traits making up personality. The depth of analysis provided through this measure holds implications for […]