Selecting for Creativity: Building an Innovative Workforce
The benefits of creativity at work – Why build an innovative workforce? The value of creativity and an innovative workforce has been increasingly recognised in recent years. Companies need to work harder to stay competitive, and to gain the confidence of more demanding consumers. Creative thinkers are an asset to companies as they excel at […]
Ability Testing: Does Practice make Perfect?
One of our clients, Rachel, recently shared the excellent news that she had received very high scores on her verbal and numerical reasoning tests. She will be progressing to the next stage of selection. Over the past several months Rachel did a lot of preparation and practice work prior to ability testing. It seems to […]
Psychometric Testing Myths and Professional Responses
Psychometric testing is a proven best practice in recruitment and selection. But as a psychometric testing consultant and trainer, I know first-hand–there are some odd perceptions out there about employment tests and their value. Today I’d like to share a few of the most common misconceptions and myths I encounter and how I respond to […]
Why Do I Need Training to Access Psychometric Tests?
Psychometric tests are used by organisations, consultants and counsellors in making workplace decisions. They can help answer questions such as: Which recruits should be shortlisted for interview? Who would make the most effective supervisor for this department? What occupations best align with my client’s skills and interests? Tests can offer a consistent, efficient and […]
The Basic Beliefs Behind Psychometric Testing
As providers of psychometric test training, we spend a good deal of time preparing persons to be skilled in administering, interpreting and making decisions based on psychological tests. Occasionally we’re asked, how do we know that the testing process works? What are the basic beliefs, or what is the reasoning, behind psychometric testing? As suggested […]