16pf Report Options – Make the Most of Personality Profiles
The 16pf is a renown in-depth measure of personality. It offers evaluation of wide-ranging, broad factors (similar to the Big 5), while also breaking down contributions from more specific, unitary primary factors. This combination covers the full spectrum of traits making up personality. The depth of analysis provided through this measure holds implications for […]
How to Choose a Psychometric Test
We are often asked how to choose a psychometric test by our clients, trainees and even qualified Test Users. Related questions include: What measure will best help me choose the right job candidates? Which assessments should I include for career counselling? How can I find a test to identify leadership potential? Whatever your purpose for testing, […]
Why Do I Need Training to Access Psychometric Tests?
Psychometric tests are used by organisations, consultants and counsellors in making workplace decisions. They can help answer questions such as: Which recruits should be shortlisted for interview? Who would make the most effective supervisor for this department? What occupations best align with my client’s skills and interests? Tests can offer a consistent, efficient and […]
How to Find the Right Psychometric Test
Where and how can you find the right psychometric test for your needs? This is crucial information for anyone who works in assessment. Today there are hundreds of tests available for organisational applications. These span areas including ability and aptitude, career interest, motives and personality. Tests may be for single individuals, or they may be […]
Applying Psychometric Concepts: 7 Tips for Effective Testing in the Classroom
Psychometric tests offer important advantages in assessment. The following qualities give a test user or administrator some assurance that a psychometric test will measure consistently, accurately and fairly: Evidence for the statistical qualities of validity and reliability will have been examined before test publication. It will be possible to see if test questions reflect […]