How Job Candidates Benefit by Taking Psychometric Tests

How Job Candidates Benefit by Taking Psychometric Tests - Selection by Design

In the past, we’ve talked about the benefits of psychometric tests in recruitment and evaluation processes, and how being trained and qualified to use psychometric tests is a clear advantage for individual consultants and other professionals. Yet what about those who are on the other side – the individuals who are taking the tests? Do psychometric tests benefit job candidates, too? If so, in what ways?

One of the best things about psychometric tests is that they truly present a win-win situation for both organisations and candidates. When a potential employer utilises psychometric tests, it’s a good indication they value their employees and their satisfaction as well as their aptitude for the work they do. Psychometric tests can help organisations choose the best candidates for particular jobs, but they also help individuals find jobs that allow them to make the most of their unique strengths and abilities.

Whether you’re administering psychometric tests for a client or taking one yourself, the ultimate goal is a great match between a person and their job. As someone seeking employment, testing can help you find a job you love and avoid one that will make you miserable. Psychometric testing analyses one’s abilities and personality in precise ways – ones that relate to the demands of a specific job. It can also provide employers with valuable information about what you as an employee may need in order to perform at your best on the job, or how best to provide you with opportunities and skills or training you may need to develop and advance in your profession.

Candidates can take advantage of psychometric testing to gain understanding about themselves, too. Psychometric test results can provide an individual with understanding of their strongest skills, as well as identifying areas they might build on with practice and experience. Tests of motives, values and personality can help answer questions such as:

• In what types of work situations are you likely to thrive?
• What do you most value from your work experience? Is it a sense of accomplishment, the chance to collaborate with others, or independence and control?
• What kinds of jobs best fit with your personality?

Job candidates can use the information and insights they gain through psychometric test results and feedback to make informed decisions about their careers.

Taking psychometric tests also provides job candidates with the opportunity to optimize their test taking skills, including timing, pacing and familiarity with the many types of questions used today. As test taking skills improve, so will confidence.

Candidates have a lot to gain through psychometric testing, even if they’re selected out of the hiring process. Whether testing is utilised as part of your next hiring experience or you’re the one administering the tests, remember it’s a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Have you taken psychometric tests as a job candidate? What were the pros or cons for you?

Ready to learn more about psychometric testing, or to become qualified in psychometric test use? Consider taking our next Test User Occupational training course(s). Find all the details here.

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