16pf® 6th ed Questionnaire: Managerial Potential Report
Assesses leadership and management potential, based on profile scores.
16pf® 6th ed Questionnaire: Managerial Potential Report is an indispensable tool for assessing leadership potential. This report draws on the candidate’s 16pf factor scores to derive trait patterns and predicted behaviors across 5 key aspects of management: Leadership, interacting with others, decision making, initiative, and personal adjustment to pressure. Effectively used as part of succession planning, management selection and placement, individual development, and career counseling.
Who is the Best Candidate for Management?
One of the best uses of the 16pf is identifying areas of development for company managers and business leaders. With strengths and areas for improvement across 16 personality factors indicated, results identify the potential for change in different work contexts. For example, how might I better deal with unpredictability or rapid change in this work environment? What can I do to better manage the pressures of this position? How comfortable will I likely be in influencing or directing work colleagues?
The specific traits and competencies identified through the 16pf employment test can be used to offer practical direction and advice to key managerial and executive members of the organization. Change follows, based on self-awareness, insight and goal-focused actions.
As a pre-employment assessment test, the 16pf helps organizations avoid costly mistakes by highlighting distinctions important for final hiring decisions. Imagine your company is considering two candidates for an IT manager position. Each has appropriate training and experience, and similar scores on initial cognitive reasoning tests. Their 16pf personality profiles, however, differ. Candidate A is strongly self-reliant, tends to question established rules or conventions, and moderately enjoys social interactions.
Candidate B has a team-oriented approach, is detail oriented, and is resilient in the face of pressure. Candidate B has much to offer, but is not the best matched person for this position. By examining specific personality traits at a level that is more precise than that of a big 5 personality test, it’s possible to find candidates best suited for this particular position.
The 16 pf test interpretation for leadership potential test, can provide a guide to determining who your next manager should be. The 16pf norms with it’s leadership measurement questionnaire option is an excellent use of 16pf test. The 16pf cost is very low considering the guidance the 16 pf test interpretation provides.
A verbal reasoning test is a common type of aptitude test that’s useful in many recruiting situations. Verbal reasoning tests evaluate a candidate’s ability and potential to work accurately and effectively with the written word. A company needing to hire an effective communicator such as a sales representative, manager, counselor or team leader is likely to benefit from incorporating verbal reasoning assessment in their pre-employment testing strategy.
A psychometric personality test can aid in predicting the likelihood of success a candidate will have on the job, too. The 16pf is a comprehensive personality assessment that scores primary traits as well as secondary traits. Going beyond ability or aptitude, the 16pf makes it possible to predict behavior and performance among candidates. By clicking the sample report icon above, 16pf pdf report, you can obtain a better understanding of the 16pf report and evaluations.
Is using personality-based tests worth it for employers? ‘Utility’ refers to the question of profit realized through using a specific test for employment decisions. Gains in efficiency, performance or productivity can be measured after a new psychometric assessment is introduced. For example, sales could be expected to increase with the addition of the 16pf to the selection process. How well do candidate traits align with a 16 pf profile of successful salespersons?
Decades of research (e.g., Cattell & Mead, 2008) indicates those who thrive in sales tend to be attentive, confident and spontaneous in relating to others. They are typically easy-going, self-assured and resilient. Candidates with these traits may thrive in sales, increasing profits. Even after accounting for testing costs, utility of this psychometric measure would be shown.
Can personality measures really predict job performance? A psychological test for employment can be used to measure workers’ skills, traits or competencies. These test scores can then be correlated with job performance ratings. A strong association means the employment aptitude test is a valid predictor of job success. An example is a UK-based 16pf validation study.
Over 100 customer contact call centre representatives provided 16pf scores. Job performance ratings included customer satisfaction surveys and supervisor ratings of key competencies like customer focus and team work. Among the findings, reps with greater customer satisfaction ratings were more dominant and eager to influence others. Reps who were more trusting and emotionally stable rated as better performers. The 16pf proved a valuable addition to future recruiting for customer service reps.
16pf 6th ed Questionnaire: Managerial Potential Report – 16pf Test Online – Assessing Leadership Potential
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