Smart Aptitude Series Testing Overview

Smart Aptitude Series

The Smart Aptitude® Series Can Help Your Organization Succeed

What if there was a way to identify and select candidates who you knew had what it takes to be a top performer? You’d save valuable time sifting and sorting through talent, and avoid the high cost of hiring mistakes.

When you recruit candidates with the right aptitude, potential, and capability, they will thrive in your organization. Use the Smart Aptitude® Series adaptive ability tests to assess candidates, and you can hire the right person the first time, every time.

The Smart Series consists of three tests that assess verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning. They may be used to identify talent across all sectors, at every level, from apprentice to graduate, managerial, and executive positions.


The Smart Aptitude® Series Benefits and Features

  • During testing, question difficulty automatically adjusts to match the test-taker’s own unique potential, and overly challenging items are omitted. The result is a better testing experience for your candidates, reflecting well on your organization.

  • Testing is easy and efficient, completed online in just 15 minutes.

  • An expansive item bank of questions means tests are individually tailored to each person, minimizing the risk of cheating—a tremendous benefit for remote assessment or large recruitment campaigns.

  • The Smart Aptitude series offers two options for results reports: A detailed, psychometric report for the trained professional, and a less technical version that may be directly shared with the candidate. Providing results reports to candidates offers a convenient and effective chance for transparency in your selection decisions.

  • Strong evidence for reliability, accuracy and fairness ensure sound, objective decisions.

The Smart Aptitude® Series Suite of Ability Tests —

What it Can Do for You

While recruiting, having clear, objective data that can be used to compare candidates is a real advantage. The Smart Series tests measure the key reasoning abilities that are essential in so many jobs today. Whether you are recruiting upper-level managers, or the work team members who will drive your company’s performance, accurate evaluation of potential is paramount in employee choice.

Recruiters can gain valuable information on a candidate’s verbal reasoning, numerical, and abstract reasoning abilities with the following three tests included in the Smart Series:

1. Smart Aptitude Verbal Reasoning Test

Verbal reasoning is a person’s ability to use language, a critical aspect of good communication. The ability to read, process and understand information is an essential component of any role that relies on written or spoken communication. Examples include sales, customer service, training, and management.

Verbal reasoning shows an aptitude for listening, exchange and discussion with clients, colleagues, and managers. It is an important part of effective interactions and building productive working relationships.

2. The Smart Aptitude Numerical Reasoning Test

Numerical reasoning is the ability to work with information presented as numbers. It includes understanding how to interpret data, draw conclusions and make decisions based on numbers.

These skills are used when reading charts, graphs or tables, and when analysing or comparing data. A strong aptitude for numerical reasoning is essential for jobs such as accountant, banker, information technologist, or engineer.

3. The Smart Aptitude Abstract Reasoning Test

Abstract reasoning is the ability to work with concepts and ideas. It is used in making comparisons, forming judgements, problem solving and logical thinking. Abstract reasoning tests typically rely on identifying patterns or relationships, without the use of words or numbers.

This type of reasoning test is an excellent option in case of language barriers or limited experience in working with numbers. Roles that require innovation, creativity, analytic deduction or complex information processing require strong abstract reasoning. Examples include computer programmers, researchers, architects, mechanics, and solicitors.

Many complex jobs require using each of the three reasoning abilities—verbal, numerical and abstract. For a fuller picture of how your candidates compare in their cognitive aptitude we recommend using a combination of the 3 Smart Aptitude series tests.

The Smart Aptitude® Series can provide a well-rounded understanding of a candidate’s skills and help ensure a fair, efficient, cost-effective recruitment process.